Using the Super Pro USB key license

There are 2 Super Pro USB key models available:

Using the USB key ensures that the license is independent from a specific machine. The NorPix applications can be installed on several different computers and the license (key) moved from one computer to another.

The key can be used in 2 ways:

  • installed locally, on the client computer where the NorPix products are installed
  • installed on a server and accessed from the client computer where the NorPix products are installed

The USB keys are not memory sticks. There is no storage space available on these devices. The key is only accessible in read mode and only includes the software serial number that will unlock the software license.

Installing the Super Pro USB key locally:

Download and install the Super Pro driver from here.

When installing, select Custom mode instead of Complete.

Check that only the USB System Driver is chosen to be installed and all the other options are disabled as shown below:

To make sure the key was installed properly, open Device Manager and check if the key is listed there.

Then, to activate the license, follow these steps:

  • Locate the the "SysInfo" application in the Start menu > NorPix and launch it.
  • Click on [Browse for authorization codes file...].
  • Select the file received and click on [Open].
  • Make sure the NPX file received matches the number on the USB key.

If the license was properly activated, the "SysInfo" application should look like this:

Only the computer that has the USB key currently connected will be able to run the NorPix applications.

Installing the Super Pro USB key on a server:

Download and install the Super Pro driver from here and install it on the server where the key is located.

When installing, select all features and allow the installer to modify the firewall settings.

To make sure the key was installed properly, open Device Manager and check if the key is listed there.

On the client computer, to activate the license, follow these steps:

  • Locate the the "SysInfo" application in the Start menu > NorPix and launch it.
  • Click on [Browse for authorization codes file...].
  • Select the file received and click on [Open].
  • Make sure the NPX file received matches the number on the USB key.
  • Enable “Search for network key on IP address” and fill in the IP address of the server where the key is installed.

If the license was properly activated, the "SysInfo" application should look like this:

It's recommended that the server has a fixed IP address.

Multiple client computers can have the NorPix products installed and can access the same HASP key on the server. However, the number of client computers that can access the same HASP key simultaneously is limited to the number of users that was programmed in the key.

Each license (features/module) is managed as a token. Tokens are automatically released after 3 minutes, when not in use. For example, the Pulse Generator license is released 3 minutes after the module is unloaded. All licenses used by a NorPix application are released 3 minutes after the application is closed. In the event of a crash, the licenses will become available again after 3 minutes.

At any time, you can monitor license usage using a web browser, by entering the URL of the server: http://"server Ip Address":6002. Example: Assuming the computer IP address is, the URL will be:

More details on the Sentinel License Server can be found in the ReadMe.pdf file that is installed with the Sentinel setup. By default, this help file is located in: C:\Program Files\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel Protection Installer\7.x.x\English\.