DAQ Capture Module:
The DAQ Capture Module allows users to capture analog and digital data from various A/D
converters and TTL input devices. This kind of data is generally described as one dimension
data type (1D) in opposition to images that are two dimension data (2D).
DAQ data are saved and stored to a separate .DAQ file while recording.
Each 1D data reading is defined as a dataset. Each dataset includes one reading from a
single or multiple A/D converter and/or single or multiple digital input.
1D dataset are recorded and stored into separate files from the image sequence file with a
.daq file extension. The module supports reading from multiple A/D converters and digital
inputs at once, provided this is from the same adapter. A single dataset is performed per
received image.
Only one module can be loaded per workspace. Each module requires full and exclusive
access to the A/D adapter. When using multiple cameras, if A/D reading needs to be
separated per camera, multiple adapters are required.
Each dataset can be displayed on the image
by either overlaying or burning to image.
Among the module features we can mention:
Per workspace implementation - one
DAQ device per workspace.
Auto DAQ file naming and generation
while recording (.daq file is created
with the same name as the video
sequence file).
Synchronization with start / stop
recording event.
Automatic integration with file handling commands:
File | Sequence Close will close both video and .daq files.
File | Sequence Open will open the sequence file and the corresponding .daq
file if it exists (provided the module is loaded into the workspace).
Playback of I/O data with StreamPix
Synchronous playback with video.
Burn to Image on Capture: DAQ dataset is burned in place of image pixels for each
image. Useful when exporting images to other file formats where the .daq file cannot
be reloaded for simultaneous playback.
Overlay layout : Set how to overlay DAQ data
horizontal or vertical mode. In horizontal
mode, all analog readings are displayed on
a single horizontal line. In vertical mode, all
analog readings are displayed one per line.
Digital data is displayed on a separate. This data overlay is
available both during recording and playback.
General Tab
This includes general settings for the module.
Capture : Enables dataset capture. By
default, when loaded, the module does not
perform capture until fully configured. During
capture, the configuration cannot be
changed. Maximum capture rate is one
dataset per image. Eventually, you can reduce the capture rate.
Overlay : Enables overlay of the DAQ dataset on the screen.
Analog DAQ data are printed as decimal numbers. Click the precision dialog to specify
the number of digits to be printed.
Export Data to CSV File: The .daq file contains binary information. Using that control,
you can export current .daq files to an Excel compatible comma separated text file
(*.CSV file).
Device Tab
The device tab allows you to select a DAQ device to be used, and configure its hardware
properties, and eventually overwrite the destination folder for the dataset .daq file.
Destination File: By default, the .daq file is
stored in the same folder as the video seq
file. However, if disk bandwidth is not
sufficient to handle it, an alternate storage
path can be specified.
Manufacture: Select a device provider which
is supported by StreamPix.
Device: Select what device will be used.
Analog Range: select what analog range will be used. It's only available for analog line
(this is hardware dependent, and may not exist for all supported modules).
Analog Tab
This tab allows you to configure each A/D reading and conversion. Only first degree linear
conversion is possible : Y = A X + B,
Y = printout value.
A = conversion slope.
X= A/D reading.
B= possible offset.
Line : Analog line name from device , read
Name: Printed display name.
ParamA: Type to set conversion function
parameter A.
ParamB: Type to set conversion function
parameter B.
Unit: Unit name to be printed.
Digital Tab
This tab allows you to select which digital port will be read.
Note that depending on the device used, the digital port reading may be quite slow. Reading
time can be as long as 20 ms, hence reducing maximum amount of reading per second.
Eventually, you can connect digital lines to analog lines to increase reading speed.
Line : Digital line name from device , read
Name: Type to set a display name.
Font & Position Tab
This tab can be used to adjust font and position when overlay or burn to the image.
Font : Select what font to use.
Size: Select what font size to use.
Overlay Position : Set where to overlay DAQ data.
Change Font Color : Set overlay text color.
Change background Color: Set overlay text background color.
Current supported DAQ devices ( Check with NorPix for other hardware components ):